25. April 2023

Modernization service for industrial plants: HAINZL Revamping extends service life and improves productivity

In industry, smoothly functioning plants are an important factor for the productivity of a company. HAINZL's modernization service "Revamping" makes it possible to give new life to aging machines in the field of fluid technology and hydraulics.

Over the years, costs and expenses for repair and service increase. Downtimes become more frequent, the supply of spare parts is more difficult and the product quality required on the market can no longer be delivered. However, even a new purchase of the plant is not always expedient and is also associated with high costs. The trend is clearly moving in the direction of modernizing old industrial plants - HAINZL is taking precisely this approach with its "Revamping" service offer. Revamping" - from the English for "to spruce up, to retrofit" - extends the service life of the plant, increases product quality and boosts energy efficiency and productivity. New components ensure a safe and smooth production process and guarantee a rapid supply of spare parts. In addition, existing machines and plants can be upgraded or extended to meet the latest standards.

Thanks to decades of experience and comprehensive know-how in the fields of metal production and processing, energy and power plant technology, and mechanical engineering, we bring our customers' industrial systems up to the state of the art and extend their service life. Our qualified specialists in engineering, technology and assembly bring the systems back to life during a planned shutdown.

More information at Revamping (

You can find more information about HAINZL Systems Engineering here.

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