We have been successfully developing mechatronic, electronic and electromechanical products, machines and systems since 1965.
Today, we are one of Europe's leading system developers and implementers of individual technological solutions in systems engineering and process automation, motion & drives, embedded systems and building and electrical engineering. We and our products have something essential in common:
We love technology for the highest demands.
In addition to the four business divisions of HAINZL Industriesysteme GmbH, our HAINZL Group also includes internationally based companies and companies with several locations in Europe. Within our group, our subsidiaries and affiliates, we utilize synergies and share our know-how along the entire value chain for innovative, technical solutions in all areas and industries.
Linz – Industriezeile / Oberösterreich
Am Firmensitz der Unternehmensgruppe befinden sich die Vertriebs-
und Produktionsbereiche für die Business Units Systemtechnik, Motion & Drives
und Embedded Systems sowie die Produktion für unsere
Unternehmenstöchter AQUASYS und KAPPA.
Linz – Flachenauergutstraße / Oberösterreich
In enger räumlicher Nähe zum Firmensitz ist die
Business Unit Gebäudetechnik angesiedelt.
München – Sonnenstraße / Deutschland
Die Münchner Niederlassung betreut die Kunden in
Deutschland bei Montage, Service, Wartung, Inbetriebnahme.
Belgrad – Serbien
HAINZL eröffnet in Belgrad die Firma HAINZL Motion & Drives d.o.o.;
ein Joint Venture mit dem Danfoss-Vertreter Firma Vladex,
bei dem HAINZL über die Mehrheitsanteile verfügt.
TECHNOLOGY FOR THE HIGHEST DEMANDS means that we fully develop our innovative strength and technological expertise in every single project and implement it for the benefit of our customers, employees and the environment.
With their individual product portfolios, many years of experience and comprehensive expertise, our four business divisions are among the leading providers in their respective sectors - throughout Europe and worldwide.
Our range of products and services is as diverse as our customers' tasks:
From technical drive components and systems for stationary and mobile applications, through integrated, fully automated complete systems and special machines, to test benches and test systems. From electronic embedded systems for intelligent control, operation and visualization, to smart building technology and electrical engineering and installation.
Since its foundation in 1965, HAINZL has developed into a solid and constantly expanding group of companies based in Linz (Austria). From the very beginning, HAINZL has focused on absolute customer orientation and the highest quality awareness. The HAINZL Group is owner-managed and independently pursues a successful corporate strategy.
We have been a reliable partner to our customers for over half a century and are now the leading European system provider in systems engineering, motion & drives, embedded systems and building technology.
Our committed and long-serving employees and managers, of whom we are very proud, are a key factor in this success.
Willi Eibner, Fabian Hainzl and Björn Fellner
HAINZL Management Board
“We provide power, movement, drive and energy. Our products, machines and systems work reliably and under extreme conditions. They are exceptional. Just like our employees.”
Helmut Possegger
Executive Manager
HAINZL System Engineering
“Our focus is on sales and system expertise in order to optimize the products of our leading global partners for all applications. We are characterized by long-standing customer relationships, fairness and daily progress. Together with our customers and partners, we want to meet the technological challenges of the future.”
Oliver Lüth
Executive Manager HAINZL Motion & Drives
Managing Director HAINZL Motion & Drives Germany, Slovenia and Serbia
“Great products are created by great teams. Our team combines unique expertise, respectful collaboration and an open culture that enables innovation.
Together with our customers, we set new standards and build strong, trusting partnerships.
We pride ourselves on delivering everything from a single source - reliable hardware & software, precise electronics manufacturing and comprehensive services.”
Markus Ernst
Executive Manager
HAINZL Embedded Systems
“We are successful as an experienced and well-coordinated team. Our fitters are important ambassadors and quality assurers for us. By treating everyone involved with respect and fairness, we lay the foundations for a partnership with our customers.”
Rainer Schiller und Andreas Kramler
Executive Managers
HAINZL Buildings Technology
We make our decisions by sustainably coordinating the needs of our customers, our employees, our partners and our environment.
As an owner-managed group of companies, we have been representing this basic attitude in a self-determined manner for over half a century and for the future.
Responsibility, openness, cooperation and appreciation guide our daily actions, shape our culture and give us orientation in all decisions.
With these values, we create a strong, trusting basis for sustainable success and common goals.
We offer products and solutions that inspire us, we stand by our agreements and commitments, act in an environmentally conscious manner and stick together.
As an internationally active company, we are confronted with new challenges every day in a constantly changing world. In order to meet these challenges in a responsible manner while maintaining the high standards we set for ourselves and our products, we have developed a code of conduct that defines certain behaviors. Our Code of Conduct is an integral part of our corporate culture and is lived by each individual as a role model.
Unsere Entscheidungen treffen wir durch nachhaltiges Abstimmen der Bedürfnisse unserer Kund:innen, unserer Mitarbeiter:innen, unserer Partner:innen und unserer Umwelt.
Diese Grundhaltung vertreten wir selbstbestimmt als eigentümergeführte Unternehmensgruppe seit über einem halben Jahrhundert und für die Zukunft.
Wir bieten Produkte und Lösungen, die uns begeistern, wir stehen zu unseren Vereinbarungen und Zusagen, handeln umweltbewusst und halten zusammen.
Als international tätiges Unternehmen sehen wir uns in einer sich stetig verändernden Welt tagtäglich mit neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Um diese unter Wahrung des hohen Anspruchs an uns und unsere Produkte in verantwortungsvoller Weise entgegentreten zu können, haben wir einen Verhaltenskodex entwickelt, welcher gewisse Verhaltensweisen festlegt. Durch gelebtes Vorbild jedes Einzelnen ist unser Code of Conduct ein wesentlicher Bestandteil unserer Unternehmenskultur.
We're taking a short break to enjoy the holiday season! You can still send us your inquiries, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we return on January 7, 2025.
Thank you for your understanding, and happy holidays!