Customized. reliable. tested.

We have been successfully developing mechatronic, electronic and electromechanical products, machines and systems since 1965.

Today, we are one of Europe's leading system developers and implementers of individual technological solutions in systems engineering and process automation, motion & drives, embedded systems and building and electrical engineering. We and our products have something essential in common:

We love technology for the highest demands.

Owner family
Business Divisions
Years of experience


In addition to the four business divisions of HAINZL Industriesysteme GmbH, our HAINZL Group also includes internationally based companies and companies with several locations in Europe. Within our group, our subsidiaries and affiliates, we utilize synergies and share our know-how along the entire value chain for innovative, technical solutions in all areas and industries.

million Euro Group performance


TECHNOLOGY FOR THE HIGHEST DEMANDS means that we fully develop our innovative strength and technological expertise in every single project and implement it for the benefit of our customers, employees and the environment.

With their individual product portfolios, many years of experience and comprehensive expertise, our four business divisions are among the leading providers in their respective sectors - throughout Europe and worldwide.

Our system technology makes the difference with sophisticated fluid power and process technology, durable cylinders, high-quality testing technology, innovative water hydraulics and international service and support.
We move your machines and vehicles with our hydraulic, mechanical or electric drives. With our control technology, lubrication and filter technology, we become your system supplier.
Our electronics run reliably. We support you from the idea to the finished product and develop high-performance hardware and software for your series. Our operating units and control systems are perfectly tailored to your system or installation.
You are perfectly networked with our electrical installations: Your building is bright, safe, energy-efficient and comfortable. We plan, install, maintain and expand complex electrical engineering, security technology and building automation systems to the highest standards.

Our range of products and services is as diverse as our customers' tasks:
From technical drive components and systems for stationary and mobile applications, through integrated, fully automated complete systems and special machines, to test benches and test systems. From electronic embedded systems for intelligent control, operation and visualization, to smart building technology and electrical engineering and installation.


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Linz – Industriezeile / Oberösterreich
Seit 1993 leistet AQUASYS Pionierarbeit
in der Entwicklung von Hochdruck-Wassernebel-
Lösungen für Gebäude, Tunnel,
Schienenfahrzeuge und in der Industrie.
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to be continued.
1965 // 
1970 // 
1985 // 
1990 // 
1993 // 
1998 // 
2009 // 
2012 // 
2015 // 
2020 // 
2021 // 
2022 // 
2023 // 
2024 // 
to be continued.

Our company history is far from over!
If you would like to stay informed, please subscribe to our newsletter here.

Engineers Erich Hainzl and Leopold Bauer found the company Hainzl & Bauer with an office in Linz-Urfahr. The first units are manufactured on a farm.
HAINZL moves to its current location in Linz's Industriezeile.
Engineer Erich Hainzl expands the business relationships and signs important contracts with our current parent companies and suppliers.
The Hainzl family takes over 100% of the company. Since then, the company has been called HAINZL INDUSTRIESYSTEME.
Dr. Martin Hainzl joins the company and the management team. He continues to run the business with great success and expands the site.
HAINZL founds the company AQUASYS Technik as a wholly owned subsidiary and has been a pioneer in the development of high-pressure water mist firefighting systems ever since.
Together with Klaus Krüger, HAINZL founds the company Kappa Filter Systeme in Steyr. The company develops and produces filters for industrial air purification.
The company building is extended to create additional jobs.
The office building extension in Linz's Industriezeile is opened.
HAINZL expands and takes over the German specialist for mobile and stationary hydraulics FRANKONIA Antriebstechnik.
This year, HAINZL not only celebrated its 50th anniversary, but also received three awards: the AVL Supplier Award 2014 in the “Supply Excellence” category, the “Linzer Traditionsbetrieb 2015” award and the “Linzer Unternehmen des Jahres 2015” award from the WKO.
Dr. Martin Hainzl hands over the management of HAINZL Industriesysteme GmbH to Ing. Wilhelm Eibner (left in the picture) and Dr. Björn Fellner (right in the picture) and joins the Supervisory Board.
HAINZL expands its company network and takes over the Slovenian drive specialist TOK in Ljubljana.
A new office building and additional production halls are opened.
Fabian Hainzl joins the family business in the 3rd generation.

HAINZL founds the company HAINZL Motion & Drives in Serbia, underlining the consistent path of internationalization.
HAINZL acquires a stake in Technotrade, a renowned specialist in the field of drive technology based in the Czech Republic.

Our company history is far from over!
If you would like to stay informed, please subscribe to our newsletter here.


We make our decisions by sustainably coordinating the needs of our customers, our employees, our partners and our environment.

As an owner-managed group of companies, we have been representing this basic attitude in a self-determined manner for over half a century and for the future.


The individual requirements of our customers are the focus of our activities and processes. We stand for the highest quality fulfillment through committed and reliable action along the entire value chain.

We offer our customers from the machinery, plant and vehicle construction, metal and construction industries sophisticated complete solutions from a single source and support them throughout the entire life cycle. We are a flexible and agile development and system partner as well as a robust and resilient series supplier.

Our range of products and services is as diverse as our customers' tasks: From technical drive components and systems for stationary and mobile applications, through integrated, fully automated complete systems and special machines, to test benches and test systems. From electronic embedded systems for intelligent control, operation and visualization, to smart building technology and electrical engineering and installation.

We have been pursuing this mission for over half a century in a self-determined, independent and determined manner and as part of an owner-managed group of companies.

Trust, openness, cooperation and appreciation guide our daily actions, shape our culture and give us orientation in all decisions.

With these values, we create a strong, trusting basis for sustainable success and common goals.

We offer products and solutions that inspire us, we stand by our agreements and commitments, act in an environmentally conscious manner and stick together.
As an internationally active company, we are confronted with new challenges every day in a constantly changing world. In order to meet these challenges in a responsible manner while maintaining the high standards we set for ourselves and our products, we have developed a code of conduct that defines certain behaviors. Our Code of Conduct is an integral part of our corporate culture and is lived by each individual as a role model.


Die HAINZL GREEN DEALS sind Unternehmensmaßnahmen und Angebote für Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, um nachhaltiges und regional verantwortungsbewusstes Verhalten auszuprobieren und damit einem nachhaltigen und umweltbewussten Verhalten beizutragen.



Die individuellen Anforderungen unserer Kunden stehen im Mittelpunkt unserer Aktivitäten und Prozesse. Wir stehen für höchste Qualitätserfüllung durch engagiertes und verlässliches Handeln entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette.

Unseren Kunden aus dem Maschinen-, Anlagen- und Fahrzeugbau, aus der Metallindustrie sowie der Bauwirtschaft bieten wir anspruchsvolle Gesamtlösungen aus einer Hand und betreuen diese über den gesamten Lebenszyklus. Dabei sind wir sowohl flexibler und agiler Entwicklungs- und Systempartner, als auch robuster und belastbarer Serienlieferant.

Unser Produkt- und Leistungsangebot ist so vielfältig wie die Aufgabenstellung unserer Kunden: Von technischen Antriebskomponenten und -systemen für stationäre und mobile Anwendungen, über integrierte, vollautomatisierte Gesamtanlagen und Sondermaschinen, bis hin zu Prüfständen und Testsystemen. Von elektronischen Embedded Systems zur intelligenten Steuerung, Bedienung und Visualisierungen, über smarte Gebäudetechnik bis hin zur Elektrotechnik und -installation.

Diese Mission verfolgen wir seit über einem halben Jahrhundert selbstbestimmt, unabhängig und zielstrebig und als Teil einer eigentümergeführten Unternehmensgruppe.
Unsere nachhaltige, umsetzungsstarke und kundenindividuelle Haltung fußt auf bereits lang vorgelebte Überzeugungen und Werten im Unternehmen, die wir laufend an die neue Zeit anpassen.

Im Zentrum stehen: Wertschätzung und Vertrauen im Umgang mit Kolleg:innen, Führungskräften und Mitarbeiter:innen.

Unsere Entscheidungen treffen wir durch nachhaltiges Abstimmen der Bedürfnisse unserer Kund:innen, unserer Mitarbeiter:innen, unserer Partner:innen und unserer Umwelt.

Diese Grundhaltung vertreten wir selbstbestimmt als eigentümergeführte Unternehmensgruppe seit über einem halben Jahrhundert und für die Zukunft.


Die HAINZL GREEN DEALS sind Unternehmensmaßnahmen und Angebote für Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, um nachhaltiges und regional verantwortungsbewusstes Verhalten auszuprobieren und damit einem nachhaltigen und umweltbewussten Verhalten beizutragen.

Wir bieten Produkte und Lösungen, die uns begeistern, wir stehen zu unseren Vereinbarungen und Zusagen, handeln umweltbewusst und halten zusammen.

Als international tätiges Unternehmen sehen wir uns in einer sich stetig verändernden Welt tagtäglich mit neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Um diese unter Wahrung des hohen Anspruchs an uns und unsere Produkte in verantwortungsvoller Weise entgegentreten zu können, haben wir einen Verhaltenskodex entwickelt, welcher gewisse Verhaltensweisen festlegt. Durch gelebtes Vorbild jedes Einzelnen ist unser Code of Conduct ein wesentlicher Bestandteil unserer Unternehmenskultur. 




20. January 2025


>> read more
29. October 2024

HAINZL launches new corporate website

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2. October 2024

HAINZL Systems Engineering at the HYDROGEN Technology Expo 2024 in Hamburg

>> read more
19. September 2024

HAINZL Buildings Technology as a reliable partner for the opening of the new HABAU headquarters HAB1

>> read more